Thursday, June 22, 2006


grease 1
  •  noun [U]
1    soft fat from animals or vegetables
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2    a thick oily substance that is put on the moving parts of a car or machine to make it run smoothly

grease 2
  • verb [T]
to put grease on something:
?Grease the tin lightly with butter.


* noun [C] formal

a small additional amount of money given to someone for a service they have provided; TIP


  • noun [U]
the feeling of being grateful:
?I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who helped us. --opposite INGRATITUDE


gossip 1
  • noun
1 [C,U] conversation or writing about other people's behaviour and private lives, often including unkind or untrue remarks:
?People love hearing gossip about film stars.
2 [C] someone who likes talking about other people's private lives

gossip 2
  • verb [I]
to talk or write about other people's behaviour and private lives:
?gossip about: What are you two gossiping about?


graze 1
  •  verb
1    [I,T] if an animal grazes, it eats grass:
?cattle grazing in the field
2    [T] to break the surface of your skin by accidentally rubbing against something rough:
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?Billy grazed his knee when he fell.
3    [T] to touch something lightly while passing it:
?A bullet grazed his cheek.

graze 2
  • noun [C]
a break in the surface of your skin caused by rubbing against something rough:
?cuts and grazes


  •  noun [C]
a very small hard piece of something:
?instant coffee granules
granular  adjective


  •  noun [C]
a place where grain, especially wheat, is stored


  •  adjective
1    behaving in a polite, kind, and generous way:
?a gracious host
2    having the kind of expensive comfort and beauty that only rich people can afford:
?gracious living
3    (goodness) gracious! spoken old-fashioned used to express surprise
graciously adverb


grace 1
  •  noun [U]
1    a smooth way of moving that appears natural, relaxed, and attractive:
?She moved with the grace of a dancer.
2    polite and pleasant behaviour:
?have the grace to do sth: At least he had the grace to apologize.
?with good grace (= willingly and cheerfully) Kevin accepted his defeat with good grace.
3    additional time that you are allowed for finishing a piece of work, paying a debt etc:
?a week's/month's etc grace: I couldn't pay, so they have given me a week's grace.
4    a short prayer before a meal:
?Who will say grace?
5    Your/His etc Grace used as a title for talking to or about a DUKE, DUCHESS, or ARCHBISHOP

grace 2
  • verb
1    grace sb/sth with your presence humorous used when someone arrives late, or when someone who does not often come to meetings or events arrives:
?I'm so glad you've decided to grace us with your presence!
2    [T] formal to make a place or an object look more attractive:
?His new painting now graces the wall of the dining-room.


  •  noun [C]
1    a long dress worn by a woman for a formal occasion:
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?a black silk evening gown
2    a long loose piece of clothing worn for a particular activity or ceremony:
?his graduation gown


  • verb [I]
to show in an annoying way that you are happy about your success or about someone else's failure:
?Dick was still gloating over his team's win.


  •  adjective informal
very beautiful or pleasant:
?What a gorgeous sunny day!
?I think Lizzie is gorgeous.


glow 1
  • noun [singular]
1 a gentle steady light, especially from something that is burning without flames:
?The sky was filled with an orange glow.
2 the bright colour your face has when you exercise or are healthy
3 a glow of pleasure/pride/satisfaction etc a strong feeling of pleasure, pride etc

glow 2
  • verb [I]
1 to shine with a gentle steady light:
?My new watch glows in the dark.
2 to produce a red light and heat without flames:
?A fire was glowing in the grate.
3 if your face glows, it is red or hot because of exercise or strong feelings:
?Standing there in his new suit, he positively glowed.
4 glow with happiness/pride/pleasure etc to show in your expression that you are very happy, proud etc:
?She glowed with happiness.
?Their young faces glowed with interest.

g.S - glow


gloss 1
  •  noun
[singular,U] the shiny appearance of something:
?a new hair gel that adds gloss to your hair

gloss 2
  • verb [T]
to give a short explanation for a difficult word or idea
gloss over sth phrasal verb [T]
to deliberately not mention the details of something such as a mistake, so that people do not notice it

glorious 光辉灿烂的

  •  adjective
1    having or deserving praise or honour:
?a glorious achievement
2    extremely enjoyable or beautiful:
?What a glorious day!
gloriously adverb


  •  adjective
1    making you feel that a situation will not improve:
?a gloomy sales forecast
2    feeling sad because you do not have a lot of hope:
?the gloomy faces of the rescue workers
3    dark, especially in a way that seems sad:
?They were led through the gloomy church by an old priest.
gloomily adverb


glitter 1
  •  verb [I]
to shine with a lot of small flashes of light:
?Snow was glittering in the morning light.
glittering adjective

glitter 2
  • noun [U]
1    brightness made up of many flashing points of light:
?the glitter of her diamond ring
2    the attractiveness and excitement connected with rich and famous people or places:
?the glitter of Las Vegas


glimpse 1
  •  noun [C]
1    when you see someone or something very quickly for a short time:
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?get/catch a glimpse of: Dad only caught a glimpse of the guy who stole our car.
2    a short experience of something that helps you to understand it:
?a glimpse into the future

glimpse 2
  • verb [T]
to see someone or something very quickly for a short time:
?For a second I glimpsed her face, then she was gone.


glimmer 1
  • noun [C]
1 a glimmer of hope/doubt etc a small amount of hope, doubt etc
2 a weak unsteady light

glimmer 2
  • verb [I]
to shine with a light that is not very bright or steady:
?Faint starlight glimmered on the rooftops.


  •  verb [I]
to move smoothly, quietly, and without effort:
?We watched the sailboats glide across the lake.
glide noun [C]


 gleam 1
  •  verb [I]
1    to shine softly:
?The Rolls Royce gleamed in the moonlight.
2    gleam with happiness/joy etc to show a particular feeling in your eyes or face:
?His green eyes gleamed with pleasure.

gleam 2
  • noun
1    [C] the brightness of something that shines:
?The table shone with the gleam of silver and glass.
2    [singular] a sudden expression that appears for a moment on someone's face or in their eyes:
?A gleam of humour lit up her eyes.


glare 1
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  •  verb [I]
1    to look at someone or something in an angry way, usually for a long time:
?glare at: They glared at each other across the table.
2    if light glares, it shines so strongly that it hurts your eyes:
?Sunlight glared off the brilliant snow.

 glare 2
  • noun
1    [singular] a strong bright light which hurts your eyes:
?the glare of the sun
2    [C] a long angry look:
?She gave him an icy glare.


  •  noun [C]
an organ in the body that produces a liquid substance, such as SWEAT or SALIVA
glandular adjective
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  • BrE, glamor AmE noun [U]
when something is attractive and exciting because it is connected with wealth or success:
?the glamour of a Caribbean cruise


  •  noun [C]
a large mass of ice that moves slowly down a mountain valley


  •  noun
the gist [singular] the main points or general meaning of what someone has said or written:
?gist of: Those aren't his exact words, but that's the gist of what he said.


  •  verb [I]
to laugh in a silly way, especially because you are nervous or embarrassed
giggle noun [C]


  •  adjective
extremely big:
?a gigantic phone bill


  •  adjective
extremely bad or unpleasant:
?What ghastly weather!
?It's that ghastly woman again.


  •  noun [C]
1    a very small living thing that can make you ill
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2    the germ of an idea/hope etc the beginning of an idea, feeling etc that may develop and grow


  •  noun [U]
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
the study in mathematics of the form and relationships of angles, lines, curves etc


  •  noun [U]
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the study of materials such as rocks, soil, and minerals, and the way they have changed since the Earth was formed
geologist noun [C]
geological adjective


  •  adjective
1    a genuine feeling or desire is one that you really feel, not one that you pretend to feel:
?Mrs Lee showed a genuine concern for Lisa's well-being.
2    something genuine is exactly what it seems to be; real:
?a genuine diamond
genuinely adverb


  •  adjective
cheerful, kind and friendly
geniality noun [U]


  •  adjective
1    someone who is generous is kind because they often give people money, presents etc:
?Judith's always been very generous to me.
2    larger than the usual amount:
?a generous slice of cake
generously adverb:
?Ann has generously offered to pay for the tickets


  •  adjective
describing or relating to a whole group of similar things
generically adverb


  • (also -ise BrE)  verb [I]
1    to make a statement about something without mentioning any details:
?It's impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
?It would be a mistake to generalize from only a few examples.
2    to form an opinion based on only very little information:
?It's stupid to generalize and say that all young people are rude.
?It's not fair to generalize from a few cases that all politicians are dishonest.


gear 1
  •  noun
1    [C,U] the gears are the equipment in a car or other vehicle that turns power from the engine into movement:
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?The car has five gears.
?change gear (= change to a different gear) Every time I change gear the car makes a horrible noise.
2    [U] special equipment, clothing etc that you need for a particular activity:
?camping gear

gear 2
  • verb [T]
1    be geared to to be organized in order to achieve a particular purpose:
?All his training was geared to winning an Olympic gold medal.
2    be geared up to be prepared for a situation or to do a particular activity:
?He arrived all geared up for trouble.


  •  adjective
very thin and pale, especially because of illness


gauge 1
  •  noun [C]
1    an instrument that measures the amount or size of something:
?a fuel gauge
2    a standard that you use to decide what a situation is like:
?gauge of: Money is not the only gauge of success.
3    the thickness of something such as a piece of metal

gauge 2
  • verb [T]
1    to decide what someone's feelings, intentions etc probably are:
?a study to gauge public reaction to the proposed changes
?gauge whether/how etc: I couldn't gauge how he felt from the look on his face.
2    to measure something using a particular instrument or method

gaudy 华而不实

  •  adjective
clothes, decorations etc that are gaudy are too bright and look cheap
gaudily adverb


  •  verb
1    [I] to make a short sudden noise when you breathe in, usually because you are surprised or shocked:
?As the flames reached the roof, the crowd gasped in alarm.
2    [I,T] to quickly breathe in a lot of air because you are having difficulty breathing normally:
?"Wait for me!" he gasped. (= he said while breathing a lot of air very quickly)
?gasp for breath/air: Kim crawled out of the pool, gasping for air.
gasp noun [C]:
?a gasp of surprise


  •  noun [C] formal
a piece of clothing:
?Wash delicate garments by hand.


  •  verb [I]
to look at something or someone in surprise, with your mouth open:
?gape at: Anna gaped at him in horror.


 a British spelling of JAIL


  •  noun [C]
a very strong wind:
?Our fence blew down in the gale.


 adverb old-fashioned
in a happy, cheerful way


 fuss 1
  •  noun
1    [singular, U] when people become very excited, angry, upset etc, especially about something that is not very serious or important:
?I didn't understand what all the fuss was about. (= why people are so excited, angry etc)
2    make a fuss/kick up a fuss to complain angrily or noisily about something:
?The man at the next table was making a fuss because his food was cold.
3    make a fuss of sb BrE/ over sb AmE to look after someone very well and pay a lot of attention to them:
?My grandparents always make a fuss of me when I go and see them.

fuss 2
  • verb [I]
to behave in a nervous, anxious way, worrying over unimportant things:
?Stop fussing! We'll be home soon!
fuss over sb phrasal verb [T]
to pay too much attention to making someone comfortable or safe because you are worried about them


 noun [C,U]
when two things are joined together or combined


fuse 1
  •  noun [C]
1    a short wire inside a piece of electrical equipment that melts if too much electricity passes through it:
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?The fuse has blown. (= it has melted and stopped the electrical equipment from working)
2    a part that is connected to a bomb, FIREWORK etc, that delays or starts the explosion
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fuse 2
  • verb [I,T]
1    to join together and become one thing, or to join two things together:
?The bones of the spine had become fused together.
2    BrE if an electrical system fuses, or if you fuse it, it stops working because the fuse has melted:
?The lights had fused.


  •  noun [singular U]
1    extreme anger:
?I saw the look of fury on his face.
2    literary the violent force of something:
?the fury of the storm


  •  verb [T]
1    to put furniture into a house or room:
?They had furnished their home with costly antiques.
2    to provide someone with something that they need:
?Her bank manager was able to furnish her with the necessary information


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  •  adjective
1    very angry:
?Her daughter was furious when she found out they'd been reading her private letters.
2    done with a lot of speed, violence, or effort:
?The horseman rode off at a furious gallop.
furiously adverb


  •  noun [C]
1    an object with a wide top and a narrow tube at the bottom, used for pouring liquids into a container
2    BrE a round metal CHIMNEY on top of a ship or train


  •  noun [plural]
strong-smelling gas or smoke, which is unpleasant to breathe in:
?gasoline fumes


BrE, fulfill AmE verb [T] -lled, -lling
1    fulfil a promise/duty/obligation etc to do something that you have promised to do, or do something that you should do:
?The government hasn't fulfilled its promise to cut taxes.
2    fulfil a dream/wish/ambition to do something that you have always wanted to do:
?Bruce had finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a racing driver.
3    fulfil a role/function/need to do something that is useful or needed for a particular purpose:
?The church fulfils an important role in the local community.
4    fulfil sb's expectations/hopes to be as good as someone had expected or hoped:
?I knew that I could never fulfil my parents' expectations of me.


  •  noun
come to fruition formal if a plan comes to fruition, it starts to be successful:
?In 1969 their plans finally came to fruition.


  •  adjective
1    careful to only buy what is necessary:
?As children we were taught to be frugal and hard-working.
2    a frugal meal is small and does not cost much
frugally adverb


frown 1

  •  verb [I]
to make an angry or unhappy expression by moving your EYEBROWs together, so that lines appear on your FOREHEAD:
?Mel frowned and pretended to ignore me.
frown on/upon sth phrasal verb [T]
to disapprove of something:
?In the 1930s divorce was frowned upon.

frown 2
  • noun [C]
the expression on your face when you frown:
?He looked at her with a puzzled frown.


frost 1
  •  noun
1    [U] a white powder of ice, which forms on surfaces outside when the temperature is very cold:
?trees covered with frost
2    [C] very cold weather, when water freezes:
?an early frost
?a hard frost (= extremely cold weather)

frost 2
  • verb [T] AmE
to cover a cake with FROSTING ; ICE BrE


  •  noun [C]
1    the border of a country:
?a town on the frontier between France and Spain
2    the frontiers of the limits of what is known about something:
?the frontiers of science


fringe 1

  •  noun [C]
1    BrE the part of your hair that hangs over your FOREHEAD ; BANGS AmE
2    the outside edge of something:
?He was standing on the fringe of the crowd.
?the fringes of the town
3    a decoration on a curtain etc, which consists of hanging threads along the edge:
?a cowboy jacket with a leather fringe
4    a small part of a group, organization, or activity that is very different from the main part and is not at all typical:
?the fascist fringe of British politics

fret 恼人的

  •  verb [I]
to worry


  •  noun
[U] goods carried by road, trains, planes, or ships Freight


freak 1
  •  noun [C]
1    informal someone who has a very strong interest in something:
?Carrot juice is a favourite with health freaks.
2    someone or something that is very strange:
?He looked at me as if I were some kind of freak.

freak 2
  • adjective
freak accident/storm etc a very unusual accident, storm etc


1    fraught with problems/difficulty/danger full of problems, difficulty, danger etc:
?a situation fraught with difficulties
2    informal very anxious or worried


  •  noun
1    [C,U] when someone deceives people to get money:
?The police arrested him for tax fraud.
2    [C] someone who deliberately deceives people to get an advantage


  •  adjective
1    hurrying in an anxious and disorganized way:
?a frantic rush for the last remaining tickets
2    very anxious or upset:
?The girl's parents were frantic with worry.
frantically adverb


  •  adjective
thin and weak:
?a frail old man


  •  noun [C,U]
a pleasant smell:
?a delicate fragrance


  •  adjective
1    easily broken or destroyed:
?fragile glassware
?a fragile peace agreement
2    not strong:
?a fragile old lady
fragility  noun [U]

See - chip

fraction & fracture

1    [C] a number that is smaller than 1, for example ?and "
2    [singular] a very small amount of something:
?fraction of: We paid only a fraction of the original price.
fractional adjective
fractionally adverb

fracture 1
 noun [C]
a crack in something hard such as a bone or rock

 fracture 2
verb [T]
to crack or break something hard such as a bone or rock:
?Your arm isn't fractured, just badly bruised.

foster 培养,领养

foster 1
  •  verb [T]
1    to encourage a feeling or skill to develop:
?Our weekly meetings help to foster team spirit.
2    to take care of someone else's child for a period of time, without becoming their legal parent --compare ADOPT


  •  noun [C]
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part of an animal or plant that lived thousands of years ago, or its shape preserved in rock
fossil adjective



  •  verb [T]
1    to build towers, walls etc around a place to defend it:
?a fortified city
2    to make someone feel physically or mentally stronger:
?We fortified ourselves with a beer before we started.
fortification noun [U]


  •  adjective
1    [only before noun] formal happening soon:
?the forthcoming election
2    [not before noun] if something is forthcoming, it is given or offered to someone:
?If more money is not forthcoming, we'll have to close the theatre.
3    [not before noun] willing to give information:
?Michael wasn't very forthcoming about his plans.


  •  noun [C]
a strong building used by soldiers for defending a place


  •  verb [T]
1    to develop a plan and decide all the details:
?We are trying to formulate policies that suit the needs of the people.
2    to express your thoughts, feelings, or ideas, choosing your words carefully:
?The interviewer barely gave Higgs time to formulate a reply.
formulation noun [C,U]

formidable 令人敬畏的

  •  adjective
1    a formidable person is powerful and slightly frightening:
?a formidable opponent
2    difficult and needing a lot of hard work, careful thought etc:
?We have to cut pollution by 50% - a formidable task.
formidably adverb


forge 1
  •  verb [T]
1    to illegally copy something to make people think it is real:
?a forged passport
2    to develop a strong relationship with other groups:
?A special alliance has been forged between the US and Canada.
forge ahead phrasal verb [I]
to do something successfully and confidently:
?a team that has forged ahead in the league

forge 2
noun [C]
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a place where metal objects or goods are made by heating and shaping them

forfeit 罚没

  •  verb [T]
to give something up or have it taken away from you, usually because you have broken a rule:
?criminals who have forfeited their right to freedom
forfeit noun [C]

forerunner 先驱

  •  noun [C]
a type of something that existed at an earlier time:
?It is now seen as the forerunner of the modern computer.

first and foremost



  •  adjective
[only before noun] the most famous or important:
?the foremost writer of her time


foil 1

  •  noun
[U] metal sheets that are thin like paper, used for wrapping food

 foil 2
  • verb [T]
if you foil someone's plans, you stop them from succeeding


foam 1
  •  noun [U]
1    a mass of very small BUBBLEs on the surface of something:
?white foam on the tops of the waves
2    a thick substance like this that you use to clean something, or to help you SHAVE
foamy adjective


  • noun

be in (a state of) flux to be changing a lot, so that you cannot be sure what will happen:
?The fashion world is in a state of constant flux.


flutter 1
  •  verb
1    [I] to wave or move gently in the air:
?flags fluttering in the wind
2    [I,T] if a bird or insect flutters its wings, it moves them quickly up and down
3    [I] if your heart or your stomach flutters, you feel very excited or nervous


flush 1
  •  verb
1    [I,T] if you flush a toilet, of it flushes, you make water go through it to clean it
2    [T] to get rid of something by pouring water onto it
3    [I] to become red in the face, especially because you are embarrassed or angry:
?Billy flushed and looked down. --see also FLUSHED
flush sb <-> out phrasal verb [T]
to make someone leave the place where they are hiding:
?Indian police managed to flush out the terrorists using tear gas.


fluff 1
  •  noun [U]
1    small light pieces of waste wool, thread etc:
?She picked the fluff off her sweater.
2    soft fur or feathers, especially from a young animal or bird

fluff 2
  • verb [T]
1    also fluff up/out to make something soft appear larger by shaking or brushing it:
?a bird fluffing out its feathers
2    informal to make a mistake or do something badly:
?Ricky fluffed the catch and we lost the game.

fluctuate 波动

fluc- [流动]]
  •  verb [I]
to change very often, especially from a high level to a low one and back again:
?The price of copper fluctuated wildly.




  •  noun
1    [C] a single thing in a set, group, or list:
?There are over twenty items on the menu.
2    [C] a piece of news in a newspaper or magazine, or on television:
?an item about the kidnapping in the paper


flake 1

  • noun [C]
1 a small flat thin piece of something:
?Flakes of paint fell from the ceiling.
2 AmE spoken someone who seems slightly crazy
flaky adjective

flake 2
  • verb [I]
to break off in small thin pieces:
?The paint on the door is starting to flake off.
flake out phrasal verb [I]
1 informal to go to sleep because you are very tired:
?I flaked out on the couch with the TV on.
2 AmE spoken to stop thinking clearly and forget things because you are too busy or nervous


  •  adjective
1    be liable to do sth to be likely to do something:
?The car's liable to overheat on long trips.
?"Where we have strong emotions, we're liable to fool ourselves."

2    legally responsible for the cost of something

Topic - Chinese Traditional Festival

Another one is the traditional Chinese festivals such as "Dragon
boating day" when we eat zongzi; "Mid-Autumen day", which is a union
festival and when we would try to get back home; and 'Double Ninth
day", when we pay sacrifice to our ancestors......