Monday, May 29, 2006


  •  verb
1    [I] to walk or move in an unsteady way:
?stagger along/down etc: Tom staggered drunkenly into the kitchen.
2    [T] to make someone feel very surprised or shocked
3    [T] to arrange the time things happen so that they do not all happen at the same time:
?Student registration will be staggered to avoid delays.

set sb thinking

It set me thinking.

You can never tell

You can never tell.



How would you like your steak down?
Medium rare.

catch sb's eye

I'll see if I can catche the waitress' eye.


disgrace, stain

This table-cloth is a disgrace, it's covered with soup stains.


disgrace 1
  •  noun
1    be a disgrace to be very bad and unacceptable:
?The food in that place is a disgrace.
?disgrace to sb/sth: Doctors like you are a disgrace to the medical profession.
2    in disgrace when people disapprove of you because you have done something wrong:
?Harry left the school in disgrace.

disgrace 2
  • verb [T]
to do something so bad that people lose respect for you, your family, or your group:
?How could you disgrace us all like that?


  • noun
1    [C] a mark that is difficult to remove:
?coffee stains

  •  verb
1    [I,T] to accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that is difficult to remove, or to be marked in this way:
?The carpet stains easily.
?stain with: a tablecloth stained with wine
2    [T] to paint wood with a stain


Do you like your ...?
It's nice and fresh.
Mine is tastable/tastless.


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rye grass
rye bread cereale


Others: catastrophe


other: cupboard


Other houses: bungalow


bypass 2
  • verb [T]
to make what you are doing easier by avoiding something:
?The road bypasses the town.
?I bypassed the paperwork by phoning the owner of the company.


  • noun [singular]
busy and noisy activity:
?bustle of: the bustle of the big city
bustling adjective

g.SS: hustle

get down to business

get down to business to start dealing with an important subject


g.SS: borrow





v [I] 
 ---------- 1 ----------
 (arch 古) (of a plant) put out leaves; sprout (指植物)发芽, 萌发. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
(fml 文) begin to grow rapidly; flourish 开始迅速成长; 茂盛:
* a burgeoning population 迅速增长的人口
* a burgeoning talent 迅速增长的才干.
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buoyant spirit


g.The: berth



bunch 1

  • noun [C]
1 a group of similar things that are fastened, held, or growing together at one point:
?bunch of: a bunch of grapesa beautiful bunch of violets
2 [singular] informal
a) a group of people:
?My class are a really nice bunch.
?bunch of: a bunch of idiots

b) AmE informal a large amount:
?bunch of: The doctor asked me a bunch of questions.


bull + y


  •  noun [C]
1    a short news report:
?Our next bulletin is at 6 o'clock.
2    a regular letter or report that an organization produces to tell people its news


  •  noun
1    the bulk of sth the main or largest part of something:
?The bulk of the work has already been done.
2    [singular] the size of something or someone, especially a large size:
?His bulk made it difficult for him to move quickly enough.
3    in bulk in large quantities:
?It's cheaper to buy things in bulk.


  • noun [C]
a curved shape caused by something pressing against a flat surface:
?What's that bulge in the carpet?

  • verb also bulge out [I]
to stick out in a rounded shape:
?Jeffrey's stomach bulged over his trousers.

g.The: distended


  •  noun [C]
a very small piece of something:
?dust particles
Figure: particle tracks

ABC Season 1 Episode 7 - Enviro-Loo


Simple Present Tense
Passive voice (In formal academic writing)
it headlights the processes of the action, rather than the person does the action.
The air is drawn in.
the process is same, no matter who is doing it.

to be + past particle

The liquid waste from the toilet behind me. There’s a containment vessel for the solids. From the bottom of the solids you drain off the liquid and it comes down here down this pipe. OK. The pipe tips into this tipping bucket arrangement, and what this does is it fills up to a point, and then it suddenly tips and that will measure each time it tips. So we can calculate the amount of liquid effluent that’s gone in. As that fills up, you can see the towelling material here will come in contact with the effluent, the air is drawn in through these holes and will actually direct the air in onto the surface of the water, through the wick and out through the top.


  • noun [C]
1 formal a ship or large boat
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2 a container for keeping liquids in --see also BLOOD VESSEL

Other Containers: jar

rather than

rather than instead of something else:
?We decided to have the wedding in the summer rather than in the spring.


g.: debug


  •  noun [C]
1    the central glass part of an electric light, where the light shines from:
?We need a new bulb in the kitchen.
2    a round root that grows into a plant:
?tulip bulbs


  • noun [C]
a meal in which people serve themselves at a table and then move away to eat
  • / 'bofKt/ verb [T]
if wind, rain, or the sea buffets something, it hits it with a lot of force:
?Chicago was buffeted by storms last night.


  •   verb1   
[I,T] also buckle up to fasten a buckle, or be fastened with a buckle:
?The strap buckles at the side.
2    [I] if your knees buckle, they become weak and bend
3    [I,T] to bend because of heat or pressure, or to make a substance bend in this way:
?The bridge had buckled over the years.
buckle down phrasal verb [I] informal
to start working seriously:
?You'd better buckle down or you'll never pass your exams.

 buckle 2
  • noun [C]
a thing made of metal used for fastening a belt, shoe, bag etc


bruise 1
  • / bru:z/ noun [C]
a mark on the skin of a person or piece of fruit where it has been damaged by a hit or a fall:
?That's a nasty bruise you've got.

  • verb [T]
to cause a bruise on the skin of someone or something:
?He fell and bruised his knee.
bruising noun [U]


brood 1
  • / bru:d/ verb [I]
to think about something angrily or sadly for a long time:
?You can't just sit there brooding over/on/about your problems.

brood 2
  • noun [C]
a family of young birds
vamp brood

g.SS: breed


  •     noun [C]
a thin book that gives information or advertises something:
?a travel brochure

brittle book


  • / brIsk/ adjective
1 quick and full of energy:
?a brisk walk
2 brisk trade/business etc when things are being sold very quickly:
?The ice-cream man was doing a brisk trade.
briskly adverb
briskness noun [U]


  • noun
be on the brink of if you are on the brink of something exciting or terrible, you will experience it soon:
?two nations on the brink of war

g.The: be on the edge of;

g.SS: blink

bring in

bring sb/sth <-> in phrasal verb [T]
1    to ask someone to take part in something in order to help with a problem:
?The police had to bring in the FBI to help with their search.
2    to earn or produce an amount of money:
?sales that will bring in more than ? million
3    to officially start a new system, method, or rule for the first time:
?The city council will bring in new regulations to restrict parking.

bring forward

bring sth <-> forward phrasal verb [T]
1 to arrange for something to happen at an earlier time than was originally planned:
?The meeting had been brought forward to Wednesday.
2 to suggest a new plan or idea:
?Mayor Daley brought forward a plan to fight urban crime.

bring about

bring sth <-> about phrasal verb [T]
to make something happen:
?The war brought about huge social and political changes.


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Death doesn't take bribe.

g.SS: bride


  • / bru:/ verb
1 be brewing if something bad is brewing, it will happen soon:
?There's a storm brewing.
2 [T] to make beer
3 [I,T] to make a drink of tea or coffee


breeze to a win


Misunderstanding breeds distrust, Langdon thought.

One throwaway commitment casually promises to reshape the world: the Democrats
would “[e]liminate terrorist
breeding-grounds by combating the economic, social and political
conditions that allow extremism to thrive.”

Scientists are
breeding pigs with human-like organs, which could keep patients alive for months while
awaiting human organs.