Monday, May 07, 2007


  • adjective
1 thinking and behaving in the normal and traditional way:
?My parents have very conventional attitudes about sex.
conventional wisdom
2 of the usual type that has been used for a long time:
?The microwave is much faster than the conventional oven.
3 [only before noun]
conventional weapons and wars do not use NUCLEAR power

conventionally adverb

lobby - 2

  • verb [I,T]
to try to persuade the government to do something:
?lobby for: Demonstrators are lobbying for a change in the present laws.
lobbyist noun [C]


  • noun
1 [C] an amount that you can hold in your hand:
?handful of: a handful of nuts
2 a handful of a small number of people or things:
?Only a handful of people came to the meeting.


  • verb
[I,T] to formally say what you know in a law court:
?testify that: Two men testified that they saw you outside the bank.


  • adjective
1 famous or important:
?prominent politicians
2 easy to see or notice:
?a prominent nose
prominently adverb


  • verb [I,T]
to officially charge someone with a crime
indictment noun [C,U]
indictable adjective:
?an indictable offense


  • noun [U]1 [singular, U]
a balance between opposing forces, influences etc:
?The supply and the demand for money must be kept in equilibrium.
2 [U] a calm state of mind


  • adjective
actions or aims that are altruistic show that you care more about other people's needs and happiness than about your own
altruism noun [U]
An American doesn't need to be altruistic toward China and India to favor an open world trading system.


  • BrE, tumor AmE noun [C]
a group of diseased cells in the body that grow too quickly:
a brain tumor

(I choose to igore the pictures, because they are all ungly.)

benign & malign

  • benign
1 technical not likely to seriously hurt you or to cause CANCER:
a benign tumour
2 formal kind and unlikely to harm anyone
--compare MALIGNANT

  • malign
verb [T] formal
to say or write unpleasant and untrue things about someone:
He's been much maligned by the press.