Thursday, June 22, 2006


grace 1
  •  noun [U]
1    a smooth way of moving that appears natural, relaxed, and attractive:
?She moved with the grace of a dancer.
2    polite and pleasant behaviour:
?have the grace to do sth: At least he had the grace to apologize.
?with good grace (= willingly and cheerfully) Kevin accepted his defeat with good grace.
3    additional time that you are allowed for finishing a piece of work, paying a debt etc:
?a week's/month's etc grace: I couldn't pay, so they have given me a week's grace.
4    a short prayer before a meal:
?Who will say grace?
5    Your/His etc Grace used as a title for talking to or about a DUKE, DUCHESS, or ARCHBISHOP

grace 2
  • verb
1    grace sb/sth with your presence humorous used when someone arrives late, or when someone who does not often come to meetings or events arrives:
?I'm so glad you've decided to grace us with your presence!
2    [T] formal to make a place or an object look more attractive:
?His new painting now graces the wall of the dining-room.


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