Friday, June 16, 2006


  •  noun [U]
powder made from grain, used especially for making bread


flock 1
  •  noun [C]
1    a group of sheep, goats, or birds:
?a flock of geese
2    a large group of people:
?a flock of tourists

  • verb [I]
if people flock to a place, a lot of them go there:
?People have been flocking to see the play.


float 1

  • verb
a) [I] to stay or move on the surface of a liquid without sinking:
?oil floats on water
?Someone had seen a body floating near the shore.
b) [T] to make something float:
?The logs are floated down the river.
2 [I] to stay in the air or move slowly through the air:
?The balloon floated up into the sky.
3 [T] to sell SHAREs or BONDs to people for the first time

float 2
  • noun [C]
a large vehicle that is decorated to be part of a PARADE


 verb -pped, -pping
1    [T] to turn something over or into a different position with a quick, sudden movement:
?flip sth <-> over: He started flipping over the pages.
2    [T] to throw something flat up into the air so that it turns over:
?flip a coin (= in order to decide something) Let's flip a coin to see who goes first.
3    [I] also flip out informal to suddenly become very angry or crazy:
?Harry flipped when he found out that I had damaged his motorcycle.
4    [T] to press a SWITCH in order to start or stop electrical equipment:
?You just flip a switch and the machine does everything for you.
flip through sth phrasal verb [T] 快速浏览
to look at a book, magazine etc quickly


  • fling 1
 verb [T] flung , flung, flinging
to throw or move something quickly and with a lot of force:
?fling sth at/into/on etc:
Gina pulled off her coat and flung it on the chair.Val flung her arms around my neck.
?fling yourself down/through etc:
He sighed and flung himself down on the chair.

fling 2
  • noun [C]
1    a short and not very serious sexual relationship
2    a short period of time when you really enjoy yourself


  •  noun [U]
1    the soft part of the body of a person or animal, between the skin and the bones
2    the soft part of a fruit or vegetable that you can eat
3    in the flesh if you see someone in the flesh, you see the real person, not just a picture of them:
?He's even more handsome in the flesh than on television.
4    your own flesh and blood someone who is part of your family:
?What a shocking way to treat your own flesh and blood!

flesh 2
  • verb
flesh sth <-> out phrasal verb [T]
to add more details to something:
?Try to flesh out your essay with a few more examples.


  •  adjective
happening for only a moment:
?a fleeting glance
?“fleeting passions of fantasy”(Gloria Vanderbilt)


  •  noun [C]
1    a group of ships, or all the ships in a navy
2    a group of vehicles controlled or owned by one company:
?a fleet of trucks


 verb [I,T] fled , fled, fleeing
to leave a place very quickly, in order to escape from danger:
?The president was forced to flee the country after the revolution.


  •  noun [C]
a mistake, mark, or weakness that stops something from being perfect:
?The cups have a small flaw in the pattern.


  •  verb [T]
to show your wealth, success, beauty etc in order to make other people admire you:
?Pam was flaunting her diamonds at Jake's party.


  •  verb [T]
1    to praise someone in order to please them, sometimes when you do not really mean it:
?I know I'm not beautiful, so don't try to flatter me!
2    be/feel flattered to be pleased because someone has shown you that they like or admire you:
?I felt very flattered to be offered such an important job.
3    to make someone look more attractive than they really are:
?She wore a dress that flattered her plump figure.
4    flatter yourself to believe that something good about yourself is true:
?I flatter myself that I know a good wine when I taste one.
flatterer noun [C]
flattering adjective:
?a flattering photograph


图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。


flare 1
  •  verb
1    also flare up [I] to suddenly begin to burn very brightly:
?Lightning flared and flickered.
2    [I] also flare up to suddenly become worse, very angry, or violent:
?Violence has flared up again in the region.

flare 2
  • noun [C]
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
1    a thing that produces a bright flame when it is shot into the air, especially as a sign that help is needed
2    a sudden bright flame


flap 1
1    [C] a flat piece of material, that is fastened by one edge to a surface and hangs down loosely over something
2    be/get in a flap informal to be very excited and worried about something:
?She's in a bit of a flap over moving house.

flap 2
verb -pped, -pping
1    [T] if a bird flaps its wings, it moves them up and down
2    [I] if a piece of cloth, paper etc flaps, it moves around quickly and makes a noise:
?The ship's sails flapped in the wind.
3    [I] BrE informal to behave in an anxious and excited way:
?There's no need to flap.


flank 1
  •  noun [C]
1    the side of a person's or animal's body 侧面
2    the side of an army in a battle 侧翼

flank 2
  • verb
be flanked by to have someone or something on one or both sides:(相接)
?a marble entrance flanked by fountains


[Alteration of flappy, tending to flap, from flap.]

  •  adjective
having too much soft loose fat:
?I'm getting all flabby since I stopped swimming.


  •  noun [C]
1    [usually plural] a piece of furniture or equipment that is fastened inside a house and is sold as part of the house:
?bathroom fixtures
2    BrE a sports event that has been arranged


  •  noun [U]
1    very unpleasant dirt:
?Wash that filth off your shoes.
2    very rude or offensive words, stories, pictures etc connected with sex

feud 不和

  •  noun [C]
an angry argument between two people or groups that continues for a long time:
?a bitter feud between the two neighbours
feud verb [I]


[from fids, faith.]
  •  noun [U]
formal loyalty, especially to your wife or husband by not having sex with other people --opposite INFIDELITY

fickle 墙头草,两边倒

  •  adjective
1    someone who is fickle often changes their opinion about what they want or like:
?Every politician knows that voters are fickle.
* fickle weather, fortune 变化无常的天气、 变幻莫测的命运
2    something that is fickle, such as the weather, often changes suddenly
* a fickle person, lover, etc, ie not faithfulor loyal 出尔反尔的人、


  •  verb [I]
1    if a bad situation or a problem festers, it continues to get worse and become more unpleasant over a long period:
?centuries of festering anger and bitterness
2    if a wound festers, it becomes infected


  •  adjective
believing or feeling something very strongly:
?a fervent anti-communist
fervently adverb