heil from
To come or originate from:
She hails from China.
I write this blog for noting my english study.
sustain : su-stain
1. bear (weight) without breaking or falling:
sustain the weight
3. keep (a sound, an effort, etc) going; maintain
该书的缺点在於作者 未能把论证展开.
sustain a note, ie
continue to play or sing it without interruption
The clapping was sustained for several minutes. 掌声持续了几分钟.
4. To bear up under; withstand:
5. To experience or suffer:
sustained a fatal injury.See Synonyms at
遭受致命的伤害参见 experience
sustain a defeat, an injury, a loss 遭受失败、 伤害、 损失
To affirm the validity of:
The judge has sustained the prosecutor's objection.
Objection sustained! 反对有效!