Friday, June 23, 2006


grit 1
  •  noun [U]
1    very small pieces of stone or sand
2    informal determination and courage
gritty adjective

 grit 2
  • verb [T] -tted, -tting
1    grit your teeth to use all your determination to keep going in a difficult or painful situation
2    to put grit on a frozen road to make it less SLIPPERY


grip 1
  •  noun
1    [singular] a tight hold on something, or your ability to hold it:
?grip on: Get a firm grip on the rope.
2    [singular] the control you have over a person, a situation, or your emotions:
?get a grip on yourself (= try to control your emotions)
3    come/get to grips with sth to start dealing with a situation effectively:
?Have you got to grips with your new job yet?
4    [U] the ability of something to stay on a surface without sliding:
?I want some tennis shoes with a good grip.

verb [T] -pped, -pping
1    to hold something very tightly:
?I gripped his hand in fear.
2    to have a strong effect:
?Unusually cold weather has gripped the northwest.
3    to keep your attention completely:
?The nation was gripped by the trial of OJ Simpson.
4    [T] if something grips a surface, it stays on without sliding


grind 1
  •  verb [T] ground , ground, grinding
1    to crush something such as coffee beans into small pieces or powder
2    to make something such as a knife sharp by rubbing it against a rough hard surface
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
3    if you grind your teeth, you rub them together
4    grind to a halt if something grinds to a HALT, it stops moving or making progress:
?Traffic slowly ground to a halt.
grind down phrasal verb
[T grind sb <-> down] to treat someone cruelly or unfairly for a long time, so that they lose all their courage and hope:
?She had been ground down by years of poverty and hardship.
grind on phrasal verb [I]
to continue for an unpleasantly long time:
?The morning seemed to be grinding on.

grind 2
  • noun [singular] informal
hard or boring work that takes a lot of your time:
?It's Monday again - back to the grind.


grin 1
  • verb [I] -nned, -nning
to smile with a very wide smile:
?grin at: Sally was grinning at Martin from across the room.

grin 2
  • noun [C]
a wide smile:
?"I'm getting married," said Clare, with a big grin.

grin - grim


  • grimmer, grimmest adjective
1 making you feel worried and unhappy:
?grim economic news
2 very serious and determined:
?a grim-faced judge
3 a grim place is unattractive and unpleasant:
?grim industrial towns
grimly adverb
grimness noun [U]


grill 1
  • verb
1 [I,T] if you grill food, or if food grills, you cook it by putting it close to a strong heat; BROIL AmE
2 [T] informal to ask someone a lot of difficult questions over a long period of time:
?They let the man go after grilling him for several hours.

grill 2
  • noun [C]
1 BrE a part of a COOKER which cooks food on a metal shelf, using strong heat
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
2 a metal frame on which food can be cooked over a fire
3 also grille a frame of metal bars which protects people or things, for example around machinery or windows


grease 1
  • noun [U]
1 soft fat from animals or vegetables
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
2 a thick oily substance that is put on the moving parts of a car or machine to make it run smoothly

grease 2
  • verb [T]
to put grease on something:
?Grease the tin lightly with butter.


  • adjective
wanting more money, food, power etc than you need:
?Don't be so greedy - leave some cake for the rest of us!
greedily adverb
greediness noun [U]