Monday, June 05, 2006


g.The. - consolation, compassion, condolement.



g.Wro - conservertive


 ---------- 1 ----------
(geometry 几) having the same size and shape 全等的:
* congruent triangles 全等叁角形. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
 (also congruous) ~ (with sth)
(fml 文) suitable; fitting 适合的; 适当的; 相称的:
* measures congruent with the seriousness of the situation 针对情况的严重性而采取的措施.


 ---------- 1 ----------
 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (in/to sth) keep (a person or an animal) in a restricted space 限制在某空间以内:
* Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage? 把鸟关在笼子里残忍不残忍?
* After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之後已卧床一星期了.

* I should hate to be confined in an office all day. 我讨厌整天关在办公室里. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
 [] ~ sb/sth to sth restrict or keep sb/sth within certain limits 将某人[某事物]限制在一定范围以内:
* I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject. 我希望演讲者不要离题.
* Confine your criticism to matters you understand. 发表评论时不要超出自己所了解的事情的范围. 


  • adjective formal
be conducive to Tending to cause or bring about; contributive:

?The sunny climate is conducive to outdoor activities.


  • adj [usu attrib 通常作定语]
arranged or done in co-operation 共同筹划的; 合作的:
* a concerted effort, attack, campaign 共同努力、 联合攻击、 协同作战
* concerted action by several police forces 警方数部门的联合行动.


  • noun
1 [C usually singular] a strong desire to do something, usually something wrong or stupid:
?I had a sudden compulsion to hit her.
2 [U] when someone is forced to do something that they do not want to do:
?You don't have to go to the meeting. There's no compulsion. --see also COMPEL


  • adj
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
(of speech or writing) giving a lot of information in few words; brief (指语言或文字)用少数词语传达大量信息的; 简明的; 言简意赅的:
* a concise summary, account, etc 简明的摘要、 报道等.

  • concisely
  • conciseness
  • concision


v [Tn] (often derog 常作贬义) 
 ---------- 1 ----------
 make (sth) by mixing ingredients
(esp ones that do not usu go together) 将(尤指通常不相配合的)成分混合成某物; 调制:
* concoct a drink out of sherry and lemon juice 用雪利酒和柠檬汁配制成的饮料. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
(derog 贬) invent (a story, an excuse, etc) 编造, 捏造(谎言、 藉口等):
* She'd concocted some unlikely tale about the train being cancelled.
她胡编了一通瞎话, 说什麽那班火车给取消了.


v (-rr-)
---------- 1 ----------
[I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (on/about sth) have discussions
(esp in order to exchange opinions or get advice) 讨论; 探讨; 商谈; 商议; 协商; 请教:
* She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.

---------- 2 ----------
[Tn,] ~ sth (on sb) give or grant (a degree or title) to sb 授予某人(学位或头衔):
* The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.


---------- 1 ----------
[I, Ipr] ~ (to sth) keep to or comply with
(generally accepted rules, standards, etc) 符合或遵守(公认的规则、 准则等):
* her refusal to conform (to the normal social conventions) 她的拒绝遵从(正常的社会习俗)
* The building does not conform to safety regulations. 这座建 物不符合安全条例.

---------- 2 ----------
[Ipr] ~ with/to sth agree or be consistent with sth 与某事物相符合或相一致:
* His ideas do not conform with mine. 他的想法跟我的不一致.


con-sent 1
  • noun [U]
permission to do something:
?He had taken the vehicle without the owner's consent.

consent 2
  • verb [I]
to give your permission for something or to agree to something:
?consent to: Father consented to the marriage.

Synonyms: accede, accept, acqui-esce, allow, approve, assent, bless, comply, concede, concur, permit, yield



  •  verb [I,T]
1    to combine two or more things such as organizations, jobs, or large amounts of money to form a single thing that is more effective:
?In the 1950s several small school systems were consolidated into one large one.
2    to make your power stronger or make sure that you continue to be successful:
?I felt that it was time to consolidate my position in the company.
consolidation noun [C,U]


  • noun [C]
1 someone who votes and lives in a particular constituency
2 one of the parts that form something:
?the constituents of a bomb
constituent adjective
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。


1    if several parts constitute something, they form it together:
?the 50 states that constitute the USA
2    to be considered to be something:
?According to Marx, money "constitutes true power".


of one sort or another

trouble of one sort of another

in one kind or another.


mortgage 1
  •  noun [C]图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
money you borrow in order to buy a house, and pay back over a number of years:
?After he lost his job he couldn't pay his mortgage any more.

 mortgage 2
  • verb [T]
if you mortgage your house or land, you borrow money, agreeing to give a bank the house or land if you do not pay the money back


  •  adjective
an exorbitant price is much higher than it should be
exorbitantly adverb


  •  noun [C]
a lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, deals with the buying and selling of houses, and works in the lower courts of law
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。

look forward 期盼

look forward to sth phrasal verb [T]
to be excited and happy about something that is going to happen:
?look forward to doing sth: I'm really looking forward to going to Japan.


  •  noun [C usually singular]
someone or something that annoys you or causes problems:
?Sorry to be a nuisance, but could I use your phone?
?what a nuisance spoken. I've forgotten my keys. What a nuisance!


commission 1
  •  noun
1    [C] an official group whose job is to find out about or control an activity(委员会):
?the Equal Opportunities Commission
2    [C,U] money paid to someone when they sell something(佣金):
?commission on: He earns 30% commission on each car.
3    [C,U] when people ask someone to do a piece of work for them, for example to write a play or paint a picture

commission 2
  • verb [T]
to ask for a piece of work to be done by someone, especially by a writer, artist, or musician:
?a report commissioned by the government
?commission sb to do sth: Renshaw has been commissioned to design a new bridge.


  • Addition:
    add 2 and 4
  • Subtraction:
    subtract 3 from 18
  • Multiplication:
    Multiply 2 by 3
  • Division:
    Divide 6 by 2


  •  noun
1    [C] an official rule or order:
?safety regulations
2    [U] when a system or process is controlled:
?government regulation of arms sales
regulatory adjective


 verb [T]
to limit what someone or something can do or become, often by force:
?Our work has been constrained by a lack of money.


  •  verb [T]
to formally praise someone or something:
?She was commended for her years of service to the community.
commendation noun [C,U]

Customs officer

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A customs officer is generally a law enforcement officer working to enforce customs laws, with duties such as detecting and confiscating contraband, making sure that import duties are paid, and preventing those without legal authorization to do so from entering the jurisdiction. In the past, in the United States, customs officers were part of the U. S. Customs Bureau. Today customs officials work both for the CBP (part of the federal Department of Homeland Security) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency. Customs officers have been arested for misuse of badges and for sexual assualts.

in the first place

a) used when you are giving the first of several reasons or facts to prove what you are saying:
?Quinn couldn't have committed the crime. In the first place he's not a violent man.
b) at the start of the situation:
?If you'd done the right thing in the first place, we wouldn't have problems now.


spill 1

  •  verb spilled, spilled or spilt  BrE spilling
1    [I,T] if a liquid spills or you spill it, it flows over the edge of a container by accident:
?I spilled coffee on my shirt.


  •  adjective
1    be liable to do sth to be likely to do something:
?The car's liable to overheat on long trips.
2    legally responsible for the cost of something

tube girl

mean to

    to intend to do something or make something happen:
?I've been meaning to call you for ages.
?mean to do sth:
She didn't mean to upset you.
?be meant to be sth:
 It was meant to be a joke.
?mean (for) sb to do sth:
I didn't mean her to find out.

come round

BrE, come around especially AmE phrasal verb [I]
1    to visit someone:
?Paul is coming round to my house for tea.
2    to change your opinion so that you now agree with someone:
?come round to: I'm sure he'll come round to our way of thinking.
3    to become conscious again:
?He must have been drugged - we'll have to wait till he comes round.
4    to happen as a regular event:
?Christmas will soon be coming round again.



  •  verb [T]
to make someone feel a little angry:
?Jane wouldn't stop complaining and it was beginning to annoy me.
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。


图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
ration 1
  •  noun [C]
a limited amount of something such as food that you are allowed to have when there is not much available:
?the weekly meat ration

 ration 2
  • verb [T]
to control the supply of something by allowing people to have only a limited amount of it:
?Bread, cheese and eggs were all rationed during the war.
rationing noun [U]


  •  noun [singular]图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
a style of swimming on your back

No harm done.

That's all right. No harm done.


图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。


  • BrE, marvelous AmE adjective
extremely good or enjoyable:
?a marvellous book

so forth/on

and so on/forth used after a list to show that there are other similar things that could be mentioned:
?a room full of old furniture, paintings, and so forth


Is there any reduction for them.


We haven't got the exact figures at the moment.

put you through to ...

I'll put you through to our North American department.


  • verb [I] formal
to obey an order or request:
?comply with: Anyone who fails to comply with the law will have to pay a $10 fine.

See Also: compliance.

comply with=abide by=conform to




  •  verb formal
1    [T] also be comprised of to consist of particular parts, groups, or people:
?The committee is comprised of 8 members.
2    [T] to form part of a larger group:
?Women comprise over 75% of our staff.


compliment 1
1    [C] something that you say or do in order to praise someone or to show that you admire them:
?pay sb a compliment: He was always paying her compliments and telling her how pretty she looked.
?take sth as a compliment (= consider it as a compliment)
2    with the compliments of/with sb's compliments used by an organization when they send or give something to you:
?Please accept these tickets with our compliments. --compare COMPLEMENT2


noun [U] formal
action in accordance with a request or command; obedience
服从; 听从; 遵从; 顺从:

?compliance with: compliance with company regulations

* In compliance with your wishes (ie As you have requested) we have withdrawn our suggestion. 遵照你的要求我们已将建议撤销.


 com-pen(penny, money)-sate

  •  verb
1    [I] to have a good effect which makes the bad effect of something else much less important:
?compensate for: Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience.
2    [I,T] to pay someone money because they have been injured, have lost money, possessions etc:
?compensate sb for sth: You will be compensated for any loss of wages.


  • verb -lled, -lling
[T] to force someone to do something:
?compel sb to do sth:
She was compelled to resign because of bad health. --see also COMPULSION

---------- 1 ----------
(fml 文) make (sb) do sth; force 使(某人)做某事; 强迫:
* We cannot compel you to (do it), but we think you should.
我们不能强迫你(去做), 但认为你应该做.
* I was compelled to (ie I had to) acknowledge the force of his argument.
Cf 参看 impel.

---------- 2 ----------
[Tn no passive 不用於被动语态]
(fml 文) (a) get (sth) by force or pressure; make necessary 强夺、 强求(某物); 强迫; 使必须:
* You can compel obedience, but not affection. 可以逼人服从, 却无法逼人生爱.
* Circumstances have compelled a change of plan. 因情况所迫, 计划已经改变


  •  verb [T]
to hide something carefully:
?Cannabis was found concealed in the suitcase.
?conceal sth from sb: Sue tried hard to conceal her disappointment from the others.
concealment noun [U]


  •  verb [I,T] formal
to begin:
?Work on the building will commence immediately.
