Friday, June 23, 2006


grip 1
  •  noun
1    [singular] a tight hold on something, or your ability to hold it:
?grip on: Get a firm grip on the rope.
2    [singular] the control you have over a person, a situation, or your emotions:
?get a grip on yourself (= try to control your emotions)
3    come/get to grips with sth to start dealing with a situation effectively:
?Have you got to grips with your new job yet?
4    [U] the ability of something to stay on a surface without sliding:
?I want some tennis shoes with a good grip.

verb [T] -pped, -pping
1    to hold something very tightly:
?I gripped his hand in fear.
2    to have a strong effect:
?Unusually cold weather has gripped the northwest.
3    to keep your attention completely:
?The nation was gripped by the trial of OJ Simpson.
4    [T] if something grips a surface, it stays on without sliding


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