Thursday, June 15, 2006


  • adjective
1 fertile land or soil produces plenty of good crops
2 someone who is fertile is able to produce babies --opposite INFERTILE
3 fertile imagination often humorous someone who has a fertile imagination is good at thinking of original and unusual ideas
fertility noun [U]
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Our Fertile Lands Await the Farmer


ferry 1

  •  noun [C]
a boat that regularly carries people, often with their cars, across a narrow area of water

ferry 2
  • verb [T]
to regularly carry people or goods a short distance from one place to another:
?a bus that ferries tourists from the hotel to the beach


  •  adjective
extremely violent and angry:
?a ferocious-looking dog
?a ferocious battle
ferociously adverb


  •  verb
fend for yourself to look after yourself without help from other people:
?Now that the kids are old enough to fend for themselves, we're free to travel more.
fend sb/sth <-> off phrasal verb [T]
1    to defend yourself from an attack:
?She managed to fend off her attacker.
2    to deal with criticism or a difficult question:
?Henry did his best to fend off questions about his private life.


  •  adjective
1    extremely weak:
?His voice sounded feeble.
2    a feeble joke, excuse etc is not very good and is not funny or believable


  •  noun [C]
something that someone does that shows a lot of strength or skill:
?an amazing feat of engineering
?be no mean feat (= be difficult to do) Getting a doctorate is no mean feat!


 feast 1
  •  noun [C]
1    a large meal for a lot of people to celebrate a special occasion:
?a wedding feast
2    informal a big meal:
?That was a real feast!
3    a religious holiday

 feast 2
  • verb
1    [I] to eat a large meal to celebrate something
2    feast your eyes on to look at something for a long time because you like it

feasible 可行的

  •  adjective
possible, and likely to work:
?Your plan sounds quite feasible.


  •  adjective
very silly or stupid:
?a fatuous remark


  •  noun [U]
1    extreme tiredness:
?They were cold, and weak with fatigue.
2    technical weakness in a substance such as metal that may cause it to break

fastidious 吹毛求疵

  •  adjective
careful or paying a lot of attention to small details, especially in your appearance or work
* She is so fastidious about her food that I never invite her for dinner.
她对食物过於挑剔, 因此我从不请她吃饭.

fastidiousness noun [U]
fastidiously adverb


  •  noun
[C] formal goodbye:
?We made our farewells and left.
?a farewell party


fare 1
  •  noun [C]
the price you pay to travel by train, plane, bus etc:
?Train fares are going up again.

fare 2
  • verb [I] formal
fare well/badly etc to be successful, unsuccessful etc in a particular situation:
?Women are now faring better in politics.


 fancy 1
  •  adjective
1    special, unusual or having a lot of decoration
2    very expensive or high quality:
?We can't afford such a fancy hotel.

fancy 2
  • verb [T]
1    especially BrE to like or want something:
?Do you fancy a drink, Les?
2    BrE informal to feel sexually attracted to someone:
?I really fancy that guy.
3    literary to believe that something is true:
?fancy (that): Henry fancied he'd met her before somewhere.
4    fancy/fancy that! BrE spoken used when you are surprised or shocked about something:
?Fancy meeting you here!


  •  noun [C]
  • football fanatic
someone whose beliefs and behaviour are extreme, especially concerning religion or politics:
?religious fanatics
?a golf fanatic

fanatical adjective
fanatically adverb
fanaticism noun [U]


  •  noun [C,U]
a situation in which a large number of people have little or no food for a long time

falter 动摇,迟疑

  •  verb [I]
1    to become less confident or less determined:
?His determination to succeed never faltered.
2    to speak or move in a way that seems weak or uncertain:
?She faltered for a moment.


  •  noun [C]
  • Samsara Fallacy
a false idea or belief:
?the fallacy that money brings happiness



  •  noun
1    [C] formal a natural ability, such as the ability to see, hear, or think:
?At the age of 95 he was still in possession of all his faculties.
2    [C] a group of university departments:
?the Faculty of Arts
3    the faculty AmE all the teachers in a school or college


  •  noun [C]
a service or feature that a machine or system has:
?The program has a search facility.


 ---------- 1 ----------
 (usu derog 通常作贬义) (a) [attrib 作定语] easily obtained or achieved (and so not highly valued) 容易得到的, 容易达到的(因而不受重视的):
* a facile success, victory, etc 轻易获得的成功、 胜利等.
(b) (of speech or writing) easily produced but superficial or of poor quality
* a facile remark 信口开河的话. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
 [attrib 作定语] (of a person) saying or doing things easily; fluent (指人)麻利的, 利落的:
* a facile speaker 能说会道的人.

faciliate 促进

[from facile, facile, from Latin facilis. See facile]

 verb [T] formal
to make it easier for something to happen:
?We've employed temporary staff to facilitate the enrolment of new students.
facilitation noun [U]


  •  noun [C]
one of several parts of someone's character, a situation etc:
?Social life is an important facet of university education.


[from fbula, fable. See fable.]

  •  adjective
1    extremely good:
?You look fabulous!
2    unusually large:
?The painting was sold for a fabulous sum.


[from fabrica, craft. See fabric]

  •  verb [T]
to make up a story or a piece of information in order to deceive someone:
?The police were accused of fabricating evidence.
fabrication noun [C,U]


[faber, fabr-, workman, artificer.]
  •  noun
1    [C,U] cloth:
?heavy woollen fabric
2    [singular] the walls and roof of a building
3    [singular] the basic structure and customs of society:
?The family is the most important unit in the social fabric.

exuberant 兴高采烈

  •  adjective
very happy, excited, and full of energy:
?Judith was in an exuberant mood.
exuberance noun [U]


[Latin extr, outside; see extra- +
Latin vagr, to wander.]
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
  •  adjective
1    spending or costing too much money:
?You've been terribly extravagant, buying all these presents.
?wild extravagant parties

2    unlikely to be true or really happen:
?extravagant claims that the drug cures AIDS
extravagantly adverb
extravagance noun [C,U]


 extract 1
  •  verb [T]
1    to make someone give you information, money etc that they do not want to give:(迫使)
?The police failed to extract any information from him.
2    formal to remove something(拔):
?gaps in her mouth where teeth had been extracted

extract 2
  •  noun
1    [C] a small part of a story, poem, song etc:
?an extract from "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
2    [C,U] a substance that is taken from a plant by a special process:
?vanilla extract


  •  verb [T]
to force someone to give you money by threatening them:
?He was accused of trying to extort money from business associates.
extortion noun [U]
ex·torter n.

ex·tortive adj.


  • BrE, vapor AmE noun [C,U]
many small drops of liquid that float in the air:
?water vapour

extinct 绝种的

[to extinguish. See extinguish.]
  • adjective
1 a type of animal or plant that is extinct no longer exists
an extinct species. 一个灭绝的种
2 an extinct VOLCANO is no longer active


  • noun [C usually singular]
the appearance or outside surface of something:
?repairs to the exterior of the building
?Her calm exterior hid her intense anger.

exterior adjective --opposite INTERIOR


  • noun
1 [singular] how big, important, or serious something is:
?What's the extent of the damage?
?Violence has increased to such an extent that people are afraid to leave their homes.

2 to some extent/to a certain extent partly but not completely:
?To some extent, it was my fault.


  • adjective
extremely beautiful and delicate:
?an exquisite diamond ring

exquisitely adverb

exposition 阐述

(fml 文) 
 ---------- 1 ----------
(b) [C] instance of this; explanation of a theory, plan, etc 解释; 说明; 解说; (理论、 计划等的)讲解:
* an exposition of the advantages of nuclear power 对核动力优越性的阐释. 
 ---------- 2 ----------
 [C] exhibition of goods, etc (货物等的)展出; 展览会; 博览会:
* an industrial exposition 工业博览会.


  •  verb [T]
1    to remove the cover from something that is usually covered:
?expose sth to sth: When a wound is exposed to the air, it heals more quickly.
2    to put someone in a situation, place etc that may be harmful or dangerous:
?be exposed to: Workers in the nuclear industry were exposed to high levels of radiation.
3    to tell people the truth about something bad or dishonest:
?His criminal activities were finally exposed in 'The Daily Mirror'.
4    to give someone experience of different ideas, TRADITIONs etc:
?be exposed to: Children who have been exposed to different cultures are less likely to be prejudiced.
5    to allow light onto a piece of film in a camera in order to produce a photograph.    曝光

explicit 明确的

[explicre, to unfold. See explicate.]

  •  adjective
1    very clear and easy to understand:
?Could you be more explicit?
2    showing or describing all the details of sex or violence:
?explicit love scenes

explicitly adverb


[ex-, ex- + sprre, to breathe.]

 ending, esp of the period when a contract, etc is in force
终止, 届期, 期满, 满期(尤指合同等的有效期):
* the expiration of the lease, tenancy, agreement, contract, etc 租约、 租用、 协议、 合同等的期满. 


  •  noun [U] formal
1    the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends:
?expenditure on:
The expenditure on medical care has doubled in the last 20 years.
2    when someone spends or uses money, time, or effort:
?the wasteful expenditure of time


  •  verb [T]
formal to use money, time, energy etc:
?A lot of effort has already been expended on the education of their children.


[ ex-, ex- + pellere, to drive; see pel-]

  •  verb [T] -lled, -lling
1    to officially order someone to leave a school, organization, or country:
?expel sb from: Jake was expelled from school for smoking.
2    formal to force air, water, or gas out of something

图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。


expedient 1
  •  adjective
helpful or useful, sometimes in a way that is morally wrong:
?She thought it would be expedient to use a false name.
expediency also expedience noun [U]:
?an act of political expediency

expedient 2
  • noun [C]
a clever way of dealing with a situation

exotic 异域的

[from ex, outside. See exo-.]
  • adjective
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
unusual and exciting, especially because of a connection with a distant country:
?an exotic flower from Africa
exotically adverb



[ex-, ex- + Latin orbita, path,
; see orbit.](超出正常范围)
  •  adjective
an exorbitant price is much higher than it should be
exorbitantly adverb

exile 1
  •  noun
1    [U] when someone is forced to leave their country and live somewhere else, usually for political reasons:
?in exile: a writer who lives in exile
2    [C] someone who has been exiled:
?Cuban exiles living in the US

 exile 2
  • verb [T]
to force someone to leave their country and live somewhere else usually for political reasons:
?He was exiled from Russia in the 1930s.
exiled adjective

exhort 劝诫

intensive pref.; see ex- + hortr, to encourage;]

 verb [T] formal
to try to persuade someone to do something
exhortation noun [C,U]


[ex-, intensive
; see ex- + hilarre, to make cheerful ]
  • V.t

To cause to feel happily refreshed and energetic; elate:
We were exhilarated by the cool, pine-scented air.

To invigorate; stimulate:
bold designs that exhilarate the viewer's imagination.


ex- [ex-]
ex- [前缀,表“前任的,从前的”]
serere [to join] *  see  ser- 2
  •  verb [T]
1    exert authority/influence/pressure etc to use your authority or influence in order to make something happen:
?exert on: The UN is exerting pressure on the two countries to stop the war.
2    exert yourself to make a strong physical or mental effort

exempt 免除

exempt 1
  •  adjective
having special permission not to do a duty, not to pay for something etc:
?exempt from: Medical products are exempt from state taxes.

exempt 2
  • verb [T]
to give someone official permission not to do something, not to pay for something etc:
?exempt sb from sth: Anyone who is mentally ill is exempted from military service.
exemption noun [C,U]


  •  noun [C]
a short trip, usually made by a group of people for pleasure:
?excursion to: an excursion to the island of Burano


 verb [I,T] technical
to get rid of waste from the body
excretion noun [C,U]


exclusive 1
  •  adjective
1    expensive and only for people who have a lot of money:
?an exclusive Manhattan hotel
2    used or done by only one person or group, and not shared:
?an exclusive interview with President Mandela 独家专访
3    exclusive of not including:
?The price of the trip is $450, exclusive of meals.
exclusiveness noun [U]

 exclusive 2
  • noun [C]
an important news story that is only in one newspaper, magazine etc


  •  verb [I,T]
to say something suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, excited, or angry:
?"Wow!" exclaimed Bobby, "Look at that car!"

excavate 发掘

ex- + cavre, to hollow (from cavus, hollow.)]

  •  verb [I,T]
to dig up the ground, especially in order to find things from the past:
?archeologists excavating an ancient city
excavation noun [C,U]

exasperate 加剧

[see ex- + asperre, to make rough (from asper, rough)]

  1. To make very angry or impatient; annoy greatly.
  2. To increase the gravity or intensity of:使加剧:增加严重性或紧张程度:
“a scene . . . that exasperates his rose fever and makes him sneeze”(Samuel Beckett)

exaggerate 夸大、言过其实

  •  verb [I,T]
to make something seem better, larger, worse etc than it really is:
?Charlie says that everyone in New York has a gun, but I'm sure he's exaggerating.
exaggerated adjective
exaggeration noun [C,U]


[see ex- + acerbre, to make harsh (from acerbus, harsh.]

  •  verb [T]
to make a bad situation worse:
?The drugs they gave her only exacerbated the pain.

evoke 唤起

, ex- + vocre, to call;]

  • verb [T]
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
to make someone feel or remember something:
?The film evoked memories of the time I lived in France.
evocation noun [C,U]


evict 驱逐

[vict-, to
 : -, ex-, intensive pref.;]

  •  verb [T]
to legally force someone to leave the house they are renting from you:
?Higson was evicted for non-payment of rent.
eviction noun [C,U]

eventual 最终

  •  adjective
[only before noun] happening at the end of a process:
?China's eventual control of Hong Kong

evaporate 蒸发

[-, ex-, ex- + vapor, steam.]
  • verb
1 [I,T] if a liquid evaporates or if something evaporates it, it changes into steam:
?Boil the sauce until most of the liquid has evaporated.
2 [I] to slowly disappear:
?Support for the idea has evaporated.
evaporation noun [U]

See Also.

evade 回避

[-, ex-, ex- + vdere, to go.]
  •  verb [T]
1    to avoid doing something you should do, or avoid talking about something:
?Briggs evaded the interviewer's question.
2    to escape from someone who is trying to catch you:
?He evaded capture by hiding in a cave.


[from Latin vacure, vacut-, to empty out  : -, ex-, ex- +
, empty (from vacre, to be empty.]
  •  verb [T]
  • 图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。
to move people from a dangerous place to a safer place:
?Children were evacuated from London to country areas.
evacuation noun [C,U]