Monday, June 12, 2006


dip 1

  •  verb
1    [T] to put something into a liquid and quickly lift it out again:
?dip sth in/into sth: Janet dipped her feet into the water.
2    [I] informal to become lower or go down:
?Temperatures dipped below freezing.
dip into phrasal verb [T]
1    to use some of an amount of money:
?Medical bills forced her to dip into her savings.
2    to read parts of a book but not all of it

dip 2
  • noun
1    [C,U] a thick SAUCE that you dip food into before you eat it:
?a sour cream dip
图像 “” 因其本身有错无法显示。spicy dip
2    [C] a place where the surface of something goes down suddenly:
?a dip in the road
3    [C] when the level or amount of something becomes lower:
?a dip in prices


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